The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (IJTMB) is an open access, peer-reviewed publication intended to accommodate the diverse needs of the rapidly-expanding therapeutic massage and bodywork community. Principal sections of the journal span the areas of research, education, and clinical practice.
The IJTMB is the official journal of the Massage Therapy Foundation and the Registered Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia.

The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (CJHP) is a peer reviewed, scientific journal that focuses on how pharmacists in hospitals and other collaborative health care settings optimize safe and effective drug use for patients in Canada and throughout the world.
The CJHP is indexed in IPA, Embase, and Scopus, archived in PubMed Central, searchable via Google Scholar, and is the official journal of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists

The Canadian Geriatrics Journal (CGJ) is a peer-reviewed publication that is a home for innovative aging research of a high quality aimed at improving the health and the care provided to older persons residing in Canada and outside our borders. The CGJ is targeted to family physicians with training or an interest in the care of older persons, specialists in geriatric medicine, geriatric psychiatrists, and members of other health disciplines with a focus on gerontology, and is the official journal of the Canadian Geriatric Society.
The CGJ is indexed/covered in PubMed, ProQuest, Crossref, and EBSCOhost.com Research Databases.

Pharmactuel’s mission is to publish original and innovative works intended for pharmaceutical practice in healthcare establishments in French. A French-language journal with an international forum, Pharmactuel is aimed at Francophone pharmacists, health professionals and decision-makers interested in the pharmaceutical practice in healthcare establishments.
Published by the Association des pharmaciens des establishments de santé du Québec (A.P.E.S.) Pharmactuel features four peer-reviewed articles that cover the critical appraisal of scientific literature, research, pharmacotherapy and clinical case presentation, as well as four other columns of a clinical or administrative nature.

Education for Health (EfH) is the peer-reviewed, MEDLINE-indexed journal of The Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH), a global consortium of health professions schools and individuals committed to improving the education of the health workforce and focused on responsiveness to the needs of the communities they serve.
Education for Health is dedicated to the dissemination of work consistent with TUFH’s mission and objectives in international health. It publishes original contributions of interest to health practitioners, educators, policy makers, administrators, and learners in the health workforce that lead to improved health and wellness.