In our 40-year history, Multimed is proud to have worked with the following journals:

Current Oncology is a peer-reviewed publication and is the authoritative resource for high-impact, Canadian research that spans all fields of cancer medicine including prevention, treatment, early detection, diagnosis, survivorship and rehabilitation. Current Oncology showcases the latest Cancer research in Canada and attracts a broad audience of clinicians and researchers worldwide.
Established in 1994 and under our management for 27 years, Multimed implemented many changes and enhancements to the Journal and it’s policies which led to our first impact factor in 2011 and inclusion in MEDLINE in 2018

Peritoneal Dialysis International (PDI) is an international publication dedicated to peritoneal dialysis. PDI welcomes original contributions dealing with all aspects of peritoneal dialysis from scientists working in the peritoneal dialysis field around the world. While working with Multimed, PDI transitioned from a print-only journal into a hybrid print/online model allowing them to grow their readership internationally.
The help with the digital transition, Multimed created an online presence for the Journal on the HighWire Press platform, which included the digitalization of over 25 years of article archives. In 2010, we also worked with platform developers to launch the Journal app as well as implemented podcasts to reach readers and promote journal content in a new way.

The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP) publishes papers that will help clinical medical physicists and other health professionals perform their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently for the increased benefit of the patient. The journal was established with the help of Multimed as an Open Access journal in 2003, one of the first, and is currently published monthly.

The Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE) is a free open access journal that features original, previously unpublished, peer-reviewed articles that foster scholarly teaching, and provide readily adoptable resources in biology education.
JMBE is published in association with the American Society of Microbiology and is indexed in Crossref, PubMed and PubMed Central.

Advances in PD ( publishes select papers from the Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis in association with the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. Multimed was instrumental in developing this economical, high-quality publication by working closely with the Editors, to publish a record of the Proceedings from the Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, University of Missouri, School of Medicine